
Escape Valentine’s Day; Watch Boxing Movies

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Make this holiday as good as it can get with a nice late night boxing movie.

9. Fight Club

Rotten Tomatoes: 4 stars

Does this count as a boxing movie? Yeah, we’re counting it.

Sure, it doesn’t have the classic “let me pound on this massive thawing piece of meat while I train for my next fight” montage, and there’s no actual ring that the fighters are stepping into, but if you can watch this movie and not want to beat up an absolute stranger by the end of it, then you need to put down your beer and watch the movie again.

This movie is all about the first ingredient towards boxing, which is becoming crazy enough to beat up anyone.

You have to actually watch and pay attention to the movie though, but depending on your relationship situation, this could be a good or bad thing.

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