3. Keep the Blood Under Control
This isn’t so much a fighting tactic, but more of a behind the ropes action.
Unfortunately for Gabe Rosado, he has a bad history of getting cut above his left eye. There’s been enough fights in his more recent career that have been stopped because of it.
Before the fight gets called though, the cut will only serve as the most beautiful target for Lemieux to aim at. Once the blood starts coming, all a fighter wants is to see more of it. Even if the bout isn’t called, a puffed up eye can severely hinder Rosado’s performance.
There are ways to prevent this from happening. Small tricks like an extra dose of Vaseline on the area, quicker head movements, or, I don’t know, maybe protecting the face might help!
If Rosado avoids the knockout, this factor may be the defining line between a win or loss this Saturday, which could outline the rest of his career.