
Q&A with Super Featherweight Contender Diego Magdaleno

Diego Magdaleno is the perfect example of what you call a pro boxer. Whether it’s training under the hot sun in Indio, California or running the steep, cold, snow-capped mountains outside of Las Vegas, he goes to work. Read on for Gabriel Polanco’s one-on-one with the Super Featherweight contender as he prepares for his February 15 bout.

Chavez-ChrisFarina-FightNight11 Photo by Chris Farina/Top Rank

Diego Magdaleno is the perfect example of what you call a pro boxer. Whether it’s training under the hot sun in Indio, California or running the steep, cold, snow-capped mountains outside of Las Vegas, he goes to work.

Now, under the tutelage of celebrated trainer, Joel Diaz, who he is 1-0 with, he has a record of 24 wins and 1 loss.

The lone loss comes from a split decision against Rocky Martinez, a championship bout that took place in the foreign land of Macao, China. The bout was competitive and one that many people felt Magdaleno won.

Hailing from Las Vegas, NV, Magdaleno had a stand-out amateur career, winning a gold medal in the 2007 U.S. Nationals and a solid amateur record that includes wins over current WBO Super Featherweight Champion, Mikey Garcia and stand out prospects, Sadam Ali and Mike Dallas Jr.

Round by Round Boxing‘s Gabriel Polanco caught up with Diego while he was in the beginning of his training camp in Indio and here’s what he had to say.

Round By Round Boxing: I am here with Diego Magdaleno, how are you doing today?

Diego Magdaleno: I’m good. How are you doing?

RBRBoxing: I’m doing well, thanks. Alright let’s look back about two fights ago. You’re fighting in Macao against Roman Martinez. A lot of people thought you won that fight and you were not awarded the decision. What was going through your mind after that fight?

DM: After that fight, I came back home. You take it and you learn from it and you get back into the ring. At that time, I knew my contract with my old manager, Pat Berry, was coming close to an end. I got a lot of heat, people thought just because I lost my first time with them that was why I chose to go my separate ways. I appreciated their work. I wanted somebody with more experience, somebody that has been at that world-title level. That is what I lacked when I went into that fight.

Now, I see what Joel and team Diaz offer, it’s a different level of boxing, especially with my manager, Frank Espinoza. I think everything came to where I need it to be. Everything is working in my favor. Everything is lined up at a professional level, at a world-class level. Also, my younger brother, Jessie, recently signed with Frank Espinoza.

I couldn’t be any happier that my brother is following my footsteps and being on the same team and same page as me because I saw a complete difference, from back then to where I am now. It’s a new year, new start, new beginning. We’re ready to kick ass and take over.

RBRBoxing: That sounds incredible on how you went from being in such a bad situation losing that split decision and turned it around and made it such a positive. That’s just great because you don’t normally see that. 

DM: I believe everything happens for a reason. If I won that fight—if it went my way—who knows if I would’ve re-signed with my old team again. If I look at it that way, maybe it was a blessing in disguise. That decision gave me the strength to look elsewhere. You just have to be positive and roll with the punches.

RBRBoxing: Alright, so right after that fight you signed with Frank Espinoza and split from your long-time trainer/manager. You go with Joel Diaz to Indio, CA. You moved from your long-time training spot and hometown, Las Vegas, and now it’s a complete change in scenery. Has it been hard to transport yourself away from your comfort zone in a completely new environment? How was it your first couple of weeks working with Joel out there? If I remember correctly, your bother also went out there with you and you both trained together, is that correct?

DM: My brother and I are close, as close as brothers can be. It affected him with his last fight with Pat Berry. During that time, I was already training in Indio. He said from that moment on, he knew it wasn’t the same. The tension with the Berry’s, they took it to an extreme and made him uncomfortable. I knew I had to have my brother with me. It’s the right way and what we have to do.

Ever since, he joined forces, first with Joel and now with Espinoza, he’s been way happier in the gym. You can see it, the energy is there and we hit it off from the beginning. It’s the closest thing to family.

Even though we’re away from home, I think it makes us stronger. We are out of our comfort zone. We don’t have access to all the things we do at home, but its part of life and boxing. You have to get through it, one way or another.

RBRBoxing:  After your loss to Martinez, you fought in Carson against Edgar Riovalle. It seemed to many observers that were more confident and refreshed. What exactly changed from the Martinez fight to the Riovalle fight? Was it a change in your mentality and or thinking?

DM: I fought so relaxed and so confident because Joel [Diaz] has a way of speaking to you in the corner and you could be getting your ass kicked, but Joel has a way of bringing life back into a fighter. I never had that before. I experienced that in that fight with him.

There was a point in the third round, I hurt my hand and I came back to the corner and he asked me what’s wrong? And I swear it’s like he’s in my head. I told him what happened, and he had another plan for me, I’ve never had that before in a trainer with me. He always has a back-up plan for anything that happens in the ring. He’s ready to go to war. He’s been there in tough fights.

With [Timothy] Bradley from the [Ruslan] Provodnikov fight, he brought Bradley back. That’s one thing I admire about my coach. He’s in the fight with you. You’re not going in the ring by yourself, he’s right there with you. The confidence level helps. He has the knowledge behind him to back himself.

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RBRBoxing: Yeah, he is considered to be one of best trainers out there. He’s always at the top of the pound-for-pound list when it comes to trainers or trainer of the year. I can only assume it’s going get better and better as your relationship grows with time.

DM: I can honestly say if I had Joel Diaz in my corner during the Macao fight, it would have been a different fight. I would’ve gotten the unanimous vote.

RBRBoxing:  Looking towards the future, your last fight was in September. You had a good holiday break off. Now it’s time to go back to work. There are a lot of reports that you’re fighting in February. Is that true?

DM: Yes, mid-February.

RBRBoxing:  Who are you fighting? Do you know yet? Or is it TBA?

DM: There are a couple of names out there. I’m not sure, they have to go through their physicals and be approved by the commission. As of yet, I do not have a set opponent, but we will be ready for whoever.

RBRBoxing:  Who do you want to fight? Not this upcoming fight, but later on in the year?

DM: Later on in the year, I look forward at getting another shot at the title, whether it’s Mikey Garcia, [Takashi] Uchiyama or [Rances] Barthelemy. There are a lot of rumors that Mikey might move up to 135. There might be a vacant title open.

I’ve always said I won’t move up until I get my world title at 130. Whoever has it, or whatever is available at the moment, 2014 is the year I will go after it with my new team. There’s no doubt in my mind, that I won’t be able to capture a world title and that’s what we’re looking for.

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RBRBoxing:  It looks like this year is going to provide you with at least a chance to get that 130-pound belt. Let’s go through a scenario where Mikey Garcia goes up in weight. Do you believe there’s a possibility, since you have already fought for the WBO Championship in a very close match, you could fight for an interim title or go for the vacant? Has there been any discussion between Top Rank or maybe Frank Espinoza with you seeing that happen?

DM: Well, I always been real good with TR and how they manage to line up fights for their fighters. They always have a plan for you as a fighter and they look out for their fighters. As far as lining up fights, Brad Goodman and Bruce Trampler, they’ve done a great job with me and I let them do their work and I do mine. Whatever they have lined up for me, I’m ready for it.

RBRBoxing:  Touching base on your fans, a lot of people follow you on Instagram and Twitter. I follow you on Instagram, and seems like you have a new car and rims every other week!

DM: We all have something we like and cars and wheels are my thing. My new thing is guns now and Coach Joel and I click on that. He has a whole arsenal and I just got my first handgun for Christmas and I just want to get more.

RBRBoxing:  Is there anything else you want to add for 2014? Is there a fight you would like to see as a fan? Cold war aside.

DM: That’s one thing boxing needs. Golden Boy and Top Rank need to drop the whole feud already. Give the fans what they want! All fighters want to be the best of the best. There are a lot of fights that need to be made and a lot of questions that need to be answered. There are a lot of fights that could go down in history and that feud [between Golden Boy and Top Rank] is between that!

There’s so much to be done in the sport of boxing and we can’t let it just go to waste because of egos. I would love for that to stop so we can all go to war. That would be great. Maybe even like a PPV show, TR vs. GB, Showtime vs. HBO; can you imagine all the money?

RBRBoxing:  It’s been great talking to you. On one last note, anything you would like to tell your fans?

DM: I would like to thank my fans for their support and having my back. Stay tuned and know there is more of me to come and whole new me. A whole new 2014 coming your way for myself and my brother, Jessie. We are fighting on February 15, 2014 in California on Solo Boxeo. We’re getting our hands dirty in the ring and expect to see great stuff coming.

You can follow Diego on Twitter @DiegoMagdaleno and on Instagram at @diego_dmag 

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