
Adrien Broner vs. John Molina | Preview & Prediction

What happens when two fighters known for theatrics get into a ring? My guess is one hell of a show. There’s no title on the line, but this fight will mean plenty to the careers ahead of Adrien “The ProblemBroner and John Molina Jr. (no alias). Read on for Merissa Dyer’s in-depth preview and prediction for this anticipated bout on the premier of PBC on NBC.

Main Storylines

Adrien Broner John Molina

“Entertainment is everything,” Adrien Broner told The Ring magazine over the phone. It’s a small statement that reflects the Broner boxing fans have come to know, but Broner appears to have turned over a new leaf, keeping the trash talking at a minimum.

He also mentions that he is taking John Molina serious because, “You can never judge a guy by his record…A guy can be 0-12 but all 12 losses can be by top-level fighters, but just handle your business and you’ll be OK.”

Despite Broner’s newfound humbleness, his competitive spirit is still strong as ever (via RingTV.com):

[otw_shortcode_quote border=”bordered” border_style=”bordered”]“I am Mr. NBC and I’ll be on NBC all this year,” he says. “Four times you will see me in the ring on NBC and I’ll fight anybody who is willing to grab that rope and hang themselves.”[/otw_shortcode_quote]

Molina also refused to bad-mouth Broner. “He’s a great champion, and I’m not going to disrespect him in the way of talking bad about him. [This is] a fight I definitely want. It’s no secret he’s one of the main attractions at 140,” (via EsNews).

To him, this fight is far from taking rope to hang himself. “We need to go right after him,” Molina says, making his game plan known loud and clear. “I’m gonna bring the fight. I’m going in there to knock him out.”

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