
Adrien Broner vs. John Molina | Preview & Prediction

What happens when two fighters known for theatrics get into a ring? My guess is one hell of a show. There’s no title on the line, but this fight will mean plenty to the careers ahead of Adrien “The ProblemBroner and John Molina Jr. (no alias). Read on for Merissa Dyer’s in-depth preview and prediction for this anticipated bout on the premier of PBC on NBC.

The Winner and Why

SHOSPORTS-Broner Wins-0632 Photo by Stephanie Trapp

Adrien Broner’s initial comeback from the Marcos Maidana fight did not show the results of fine-tuning (he hardly looked like he went to Bali to find himself).

While he did not display a dramatic transformation in the Emmanuel Taylor fight, he did reveal a more humbled Broner that seemed to do more than rely on his natural talent to prepare for the fight. If Broner approaches the fight against John Molina with the same amount of focus and preparation, he should be able to snag this win without much trouble.

There is no question that this bout will make for an interesting match up of styles. When it comes down to whose style will prevail the most, Broner is the most solid choice. What makes the fight with Molina so exciting is that we’ve seen Broner fold under the power and pressure of a ruthless fighter like Maidana.

Ultimately, we’re eager to see what will happen when Molina goes at Broner with absolutely no chill.

I predict that Broner will need to adjust to Molina’s pressure, and will do so very early on in the fight. The holes in Molina’s game are so obvious that if Broner continues to stay composed, he can find perfect timing and placement without much difficultly.

The self-proclaimed “Mr. NBC” will also find himself being “The Problem” for Molina in what’s sure to be competitive bout this Saturday.

Winner: Broner

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